Pictures and stories work better for learning.

Here’s why:

Picture Superiority Effect

Picture Superiority Effect

Visual characters aid in cuing memory recall for facts and information you need to know.

Dual-coding Theory

Dual Coding Theory

Visual and verbal information are processed differently and along distinct channels in the brain, creating separate representations for information processed in each channel. Two channels are more powerful than one.

Von Restorff Effect

Von Restorff Effect

We remember things better when they’re distinctive or different. A bulleted list of black and white text is much harder to recall versus a zany Picmonic character.

Picmonic helps you retain and recall more information.
Power-packed, shorter study sessions
Absorb more information
Remember everything longer
Recall thousands of facts

Studies show using pictures and stories in learning improves recall of information, which is why Picmonic works so well.

Through our easy-to-use tool and library of topics, leveling up your knowledge of tens-of-thousands of facts required for medical, nursing and other exams is now possible.

Research shows that students who use Picmonic see a 331% improvement in memory retention and a 50% improvement in test scores.

Advanced Memory Science in Action


Mnemonic = Memory Aid

Picmonic = Picture Mnemonic

Years ago, psychologists and education researchers found mnemonics to be an effective tool in increasing comprehension and recall of information. Today, lots of different strategies for learning and memorization using mnemonics exist including keyword, phrase, music and image mnemonics.

Picmonic founders and medical students Ron Robertson and Adeel Yang took the idea of image mnemonics and applied clever pictures and humorous characters tied together with story and audio — and put it online to create the ultimate studying system for retention and recall.

With Picmonic, Facts Become Pictures

Pencil Villain

Penicillin = Pencil Villain

We’ve taken what the science shows – image mnemonics work – but we’ve boosted its effectiveness by building and associating memorable characters, interesting audio stories, and built-in quizzing.

Remember everything with Picmonic. Forever.